Croatian airline Trade air will introduce new domestic flights

Croatian airline Trade Air will introduce new domestic flights to Osijek and Split, starting from 04th of July 2016. Flights will operate every Monday and Friday all year around.
More info at Trade air official web site:

Best OTP award from UK Airline,

Two years in a row, Pula Airport has been awarded with the best On time perfrormance airport in the Jet2.Com network (more than 60 destinations). Award has been given in Leeds to our COO mr. Marko Razem, by Jet2.Com executive mr. Phil Ward

Ugovoreno je čak 9 novih redovnih letova za 2016.g

9 new routes and 3 new carriers for summer season 2016

it’s been added  9 new scheduled routes for summer  2016.g and 3 new carriers:

  • Easyjet – new flights to Paris (CDG), Toulouse and Hamburg
  • Germanwings – new flights to Stuttgart
  • Express Airways – new flights to Bremen
  • Croatia Airlines – new flights to Zurich
  • Finnair – new flights to Helsinki
  • Air Berlin – new flights toa Berlin and Dusseldorf

Confirmed new flights for 2016

For the season 2016. At the Pula airport, after intensive preparations for development new routes, following new routes are confirmed:

1. Aer Lingus              Dublin- except current flights on Tuesdays and Saturdays, adds  an additional flight on Thursday, in the period from 19.05.2016. to  08.10.2016.
2. Thomson A.             East Midlands – opening new route that will operate on Tuesdays in the  period from 24.05.2016. to 27.09.2016.
3. Finnair                       Helsinki – opening new route with the newly arrived aircraft carrier, on   Mondays and Fridays from 20.06.2016. to 12.08.2016.
4.                 Manchester – except for current flights on Tuesdays, Saturdays and   Sundays, increased the number of frequencies and is now  included and flight on Thursdays, from 30.06.2016. to 08.09.2016.
5. Easyjet                      Hamburg – opening new route that will operate on Wednesdays and   Saturdays in the period from 29.06.2016. to 03.09.2016.
6. Easyjet                      Paris – CDG – opening new route three times a week, on Mondays,  Wednesdays and Fridays, from 27.06.2016.  to 31.08.2016.
7. Express Airways    Bremen – the opening of a new route with another new airline,   will operate on Fridays, during the period from 13.05.2016. to 14.10.2016.

Norwegian airline Norwegian announced direct flights from London Gatwick to Pula.

Starting from 24th of May 2015  to 18th October 2015  Norwegian airline Norwegian announced direct flights from London Gatwick to Pula. Flights will take place every Sunday. In total 44 flights are expected during 2015 summer season.
More information at

British airline Easyjet announced direct flights from London Gatwick to Pula.

Starting from 23rd June 2015  to 24th October 2015  British airline Easyjet announced direct flights from London Gatwick to Pula. Flights will take place every Tuesday and Saturday. In total 36 flights are expected during 2015 summer season.
More information at

Spanish airline Vueling announced direct flights from Pula to Rome.

Starting from 20 June 2015  to 09 September 2015  Spanish airline Vueling announced direct flights from Pula to Rome. During June and July flights will take place every Saturday with a planned time of landing in Pula 20:35, while the planned departure from Pula to Rome is at 21:15 . During August and September , the flights will take place on Sunday with a planned time of landing in Pula 07:25 , while the planned departure from Pula to Rome is at 09:05 .
More information at

Project ”Airport Security and Air Taxi Network in the Adriatic (ADRIAIR)“ – Press release

Projekt prekogranične suradnje ”Airport Security and Air Taxi Network in the Adriatic (ADRIAIR)“ u kojem Zračna luka Pula d.o.o. sudjeluje kao partner započeo je krajem 2012. godine, uz financijsku podršku Europske unije iz Programa IPA, komponenta II – Jadranska prekogranična suradnja.
Projekt je pokrenut kako bi se ostvarila dva primarna cilja, a to su: stvaranje potrebnih preduvjeta za uspostavljanje letova između dviju obala Jadranskog mora, te poboljšanje sigurnosnih standarda zračnih luka uključenih u projekt.
Uz Općinu Forlì –Cesena, kao nositelja projekta, u projektu sudjeluju partneri iz Hrvatske, Italije, Bosne i Hercegovine te Albanije. Hrvatske partnere predstavljaju sljedeće zračne luke: Pula, Rijeka i Dubrovnik.
Ukupna vrijednost projekta iznosi 1.514.012,43 € (oko 11.500.000,00 kn), od čega se na Zračnu luku Pula odnosi 115.360,00 €, odnosno oko 870.000,00 kn

Tijekom razvoja i realizacije projekta ADRIAIR u proteklih godinu dana Zračna luka Pula sudjelovala je na koordinacijskim sastancima koji su održani u Tirani, Banja Luci i Dubrovniku.
U regijama partnera projekta, provedena su istraživanja na području marketinga i zaštite, a nakon detaljne analize dobivenih podataka, donesene su mjere o potrebnim edukacijama zaposlenika, kako bi se povećao marketinški potencijal regija kao i povećala razina zaštite na partnerskim zračnim lukama.
U sklopu implementacije projekta ADRIAIR Zračna luka Pula financirala je prilagodbu prostora međunarodnog dolaska putnika za buduće potrebe Schengenske, odnosno Non Schengenske zone dolaska putnika unutar postojećeg putničkog terminala.
Nakon adaptacije prostora međunarodnog dolaska putnika, fizički su razdvojena dva putnička toka, od kojih će jedan biti namijenjen za dolazak putnika iz Schengenske zone, a drugi za dolazak putnika izvan Schengenske zone.
Ovaj projekt vrlo je značajan za Zračnu luku Pula, jer osim spomenute prilagodbe za buduće potrebe zračnog prometa EU članice, postavljen je temelj za novi oblik zračnog prometa, Aero Taxi promet, koji dosad nije bio zastupljen u široj regiji niti na Zračnoj luci Pula.
Svrha Aero taxi prometa je manjim zrakoplovima, u pravilu do 15 sjedišta, brzo i direktno povezivati dva željena odredišta.
Planirani završetak projekta ADRIAIR, očekuje se u lipnju 2015.g.
Službeni obrazac priopćenja za medije možete preuzeti HERE.

Iz medija: Glas Istre , Ipress

On 19th June 2014 Air Serbia will have its first flight from Belgrade to Pula.

Air Serbia announces its new route from Belgrade to Pula starting  19th  June until 18th September. The  flights will be on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.

Welcome to the official Facebook page of Pula Airport

Last week we  launched the official Facebook page of Pula Airport, the page where you can find all information about our airport, new flights and destinations, current activities and lots of interesting things from our past.
Ask us a question, comment our offer and pictures, like us…
See you at the Facebook